A year ago, I was in a fortunate position to choose between Cambridge and another UK business school for my MBA. I did my research and preferred Cambridge Judge Business School for a few important reasons – 1) the concentrations on offer 2) a better project focus 3) the small class-size and 4) location – not necessarily in that order. […]
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Category: The Cambridge MBA
‘Beyond Profit’ career trek to London
Towards the end of last year, members of the Beyond Profit Special Interest Group (SIG) headed to London for a career trek. We met with organisations and individuals working in the beyond profit space, including LeapFrog Labs, On Purpose, Tata Consultancy Services, CARE International UK, and an alumni who has worked extensively in the beyond […]
Everybody’s doing it…
The first thing you might ask when considering to study your MBA, is why? These days it seems like every man and his dog is doing a MBA at some business school, whether it is through a South African university, online, through a satellite campus or oversees. For me personally the decision was mostly based […]
Designing your own MBA experience…
One of the key differentiators for Cambridge when I was looking for an MBA programme was the flexibility to build and shape my own experience, both in and out of the classroom, both within Cambridge Judge Business School and the wider University of Cambridge. One element of the programme that allows me to do this, […]
The magic of corporate finance
To the unfortunate MBA student with a science and engineering background, corporate finance can be quite perplexing in the beginning; in fact, it may appear to be magic! First of all, it is intriguing that the value of an asset can be so subjectively quantified by market sentiment rather than by precise measurements. Second, most things […]
Silicon Valley Comes to the UK
Silicon Valley Comes to the UK (SVC2UK) is a not-for profit series of industry supported events led by business leaders, investors and serial entrepreneurs, and run by students. It has been designed to drive growth by entrepreneurship in the UK, Europe and beyond. This year, we are going to deliver 35 top-notch events to 6500+ […]
Our first project: the Cambridge Venture Project
The Cambridge MBA has two exciting consulting projects. One is called the CVP (Cambridge Venture Project) and the other is the GCP (Global Consulting Project). GCP starts from next term, so today I will talk about the CVP. CVP started from mid-October, yes, soon after the start of the course because we cannot wait!? This […]
Unique experiences of the Cambridge MBA
There were three important reasons why I chose Cambridge Judge Business School over other schools: university ecosystem, one-year program structure, plus the Health and Entrepreneurship concentrations. Our first six weeks of Michaelmas term have confirmed all of these, particularly the rigorous nature of the program. There wasn’t a single moment where weren’t learning or networking. While […]
Bilbo Baggins of Bag End has very recently become my favourite storybook character for two outstanding reasons. First, he knew how to make himself disappear; a feat that even Superman still has not caught up with. Second, he profoundly described my thoughts on Excel functions and formulas – “I don’t know half of you half […]
Old city, new adventures
I left the bus stop along Parker’s Piece with 4 bags in tow, determined as any driven MBA student to haul and drag them along the pavement, all the way to the college. My excitement for the first 5mins was soon overcome by the enthusiastic wobbling of my trolley bags – its small wheels were […]
Start-up Maths
As readers of my last blog post are aware, an amazing team and I are starting a business, MunuWhiz, this summer focused on the gifting of virtual goods. Approximately, one month since my last post, the excitement and work continue to mount. The Internet and CJBS library are flush with texts highlighting considerations to make […]
The Summer Start-up
The summer has finally, after months of waiting, arrived in Cambridge. The clouds have cleared and the puddles and muddy walkways have dried. This change in weather proves an encouraging entrance into the next chapter of life for this year’s MBA class. The chapter I am amidst writing this summer is dedicated to starting a […]
A trip to Singapore for the international monetary policy lecture series
By rotating 360˚, I could see the national borders, including numerous sea ports, of the country which lay before me. I was not engaging in Google Maps “travel”, but was standing on the observation deck of one of the tallest buildings in the small, bustling, tropical island nation of Singapore. I was one of 8 […]
GCP Lessons Learned
As quickly as it came, it was over. When the Global Consulting Project first started, it seemed that five weeks seemed an awful long time to spend with four people, 24-7. But alas, now that it’s done and dusted, I’m finding myself missing my team and reflecting on the unforgettable experience we had together. So […]
Special Interest Groups for Cambridge MBAs
Cambridge Judge MBA, a great business school at the heart of a world-class university. It sounds cheesy but that’s the way it is: whatever field of research or subject you may be interested in, you’ll find lots of opportunities to learn about it from the best experts around the world, both from the academic community […]
Of Mashups and Blaikus – Cambridge Judge Business School
I have always been enthralled by mashups of two different mediums, two diverse artists or apparently incompatible hardware or software. When mashups are executed to perfection, they are impactful because they mix two distinct entities to form a new, richer entity. Take for example DJ Danger Mouse and his mashup classic, The Grey Album. I […]
Tell your story, and be curious of others
The first “Michaelmas” term met many of the expectations I had about doing an MBA at Cambridge. Brilliant classmates, long days, late nights, spires, gown wearing, candlelit pre-dinner grace in Latin, conversations about balance sheets and the weighted average cost of capital, as well as developing a close relationship with my bicycle (and its basket). […]
Collaboration – is it true?
It really doesnt seem that long ago that we were all huddled up in the examination hall going over DCFs, theories of organizational behaviour, statistics and such! And of course not forgetting, the dreaded accounting. Which was actually not very difficult in the end (thanks to some uber tutoring by a fellow classmate). So one […]
MBA: Assembly Required
For a business school, finding the right balance between freedom and guidance is a tricky task. Cultivating creativity and teaching business principals can seem at odds with one another. As I was a ballet dancer before coming to the course, I needed to find a school that would challenge me but at the same time […]
1 Week to the Exams!
Wow… its a week to the exams and writing this post is a much needed break from learning financial reporting. For some of my classmates with prior experience in finance and accounting, this should be a breeze (or is it?). I must say that for someone with no prior experience in both areas, its been […]