My expectations of the quality of teaching, and luckily in-class discussions during the pandemic (even though we wore masks) were exceeded beyond my imagination. The cohort of the Cambridge MBA Class of 2020/21 have such different unique backgrounds, from all over the world and a range of ages. This diversity in the classroom makes the discussions we have about content so much more interesting and engaging. The lecturers have done an incredible job of not only delivering the content through real world examples and case studies but by also challenging thoughts of class members who contribute, which helps to really dig deep in our understanding.
Since the average number of working years of the cohort is six years, the content we learn isn’t just a matter of reading a text book and answering questions. With the lecturer’s facilitation, the content becomes a sharing of the class insights, perspectives and understandings. This translates into having a real world perspective that I will be able to take into the workforce going forward.
There have been many aspects of work and human behaviour that we discuss in class that delve deeper and require more critical thinking than I anticipated. For example, we have spent a lot of time this term learning about psychological dynamics that play out in the workforce and how they impact the outcomes for companies, for example, diversity, power, gender and background.
Not only has my thinking and approach to the world been challenged, but the content has been extremely topical and relevant. In this term we used the Covid testing statistics in our statistics classes to reflect how accurate an image they present, as well as ways to improve reporting numbers through statistical models. We delved into the psychological impact of Covid on the workforce and the impact of working from home.
I have thoroughly enjoyed the content, class, teaching and delivery of the MBA Programme so far and I look forward to attending classes. I’m excited for what lies ahead with the rest of my Cambridge MBA course, especially as we move into our Elective subjects.

Please note – All teaching for the current Cambridge MBA class during Lent term is online, due to the UK COVID lockdown announced by the UK Government on 5 January 2021.
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