Change is around us, it makes us grow, flourish and cherish the opportunities we have around us.
When we moved to Cambridge, I didn’t know what to expect; it was close enough to our home in West London, and similar in terms of greenery to the town of Crawley where I grew up. For me, Cambridge had always in my mind been an awe-inspiring marvel.
I can say with certainty that the MBA is not just for the students but also for their partners. Cambridge Judge makes endeavours for partners to feel fully included in the MBA family. Cambridge is as beautiful in the summer as it is in winter. During the cold winter days, I found solace in what Cambridge had to offer from its vast beauty of historical architecture to the unique formal halls and lovely staff at each of the University’s colleges.

It was a very rare opportunity for me to experience this journey. Seeing my husband, Rosin Patel grow and do what he so very much admires, be engulfed in knowledge at this amazing academic institution with as much history as character.
I found it enriching to be surrounded by such great minds in different fields from all walks of life. Conversing with such talented individuals, the networks and being exposed to broad industry insights will assist me in my own journey as a marketing professional. Cambridge has a certain savoir-faire about it; it is an experience like no other!
I will take away from this year fun memories, friendships, uncontrollable laughs, progress and a wealth of MBA knowledge which I gained from Rosin’s lecture notes and presentations.
For some of us, it was the first time away from our home, while for others, it was one of multiple; however, the way CJBS and the individual colleges looked after every one of us has been amiable.

Home is not simply a mark upon a map, it is the place at the centre of the compass from which many arrows radiate and where the heart is fixed. For where the home is, there lies hope. And a future awaits. And everything is possible. For me, Cambridge has been my home for the past nine months and there will always be a part of Cambridge in my heart.
I am proud of what my husband Rosin Patel has achieved and relish the opportunities that came for me too, during the journey. I discovered amazing people, Cambridge MBA students and their partners. The partner community has been integral in supporting one another.
Thank you CJBS !