With only a month to go until MBAT the Cambridge Judge team is looking fit and strong. Over 170 CJBS participants are scheduled to travel to Paris in May to represent Cambridge in the MBA Tournament at HEC, up from only 100 in 2022 – the largest Cambridge team in history.
MBAT is Europe’s largest gathering of students from top business schools around the world, where students come together to compete in sports, e-sports, board games, music and dance competitions.
In preparation for this year’s tournament the Cambridge teams have been training hard. As part of our preparation we invited Oxford’s Said Business School teams to Cambridge for some friendly matches which included volleyball, football, basketball, badminton, and tennis.
The drizzle didn’t deter Oxford who fought hard and won both the football and basketball matches, however Cambridge took out the win in the tennis, badminton and Volleyball matches.

Afterwards we invited Oxford to visit our unique Business School, where they were intrigued by our lecture theatres and quirky architecture by the award winning John Outram. We gathered for a fun mixer over drinks and canapes and chatted all things sports, MBAT and MBA life.
We hope this inaugural event series will become a regular annual fixture in the Cambridge Judge and Oxford Said calendars.

Cambridge University Club Sports Chairs, Cassandra Kenworthy and Takumi Sano