Our first big project – the Cambridge Venture Project or CVP – at Cambridge Judge Business School comes to a close. And what a project it has been! It was a balanced mixture of fun and learning for the whole team.
From the outset of the project, my personal agenda was to hone my skills in Problem Solving and Decision Making. Utilising these two, I wanted to provide the solution to the problems faced by our client Cambridge Cleantech.
While working on problem solving, narrowing down the scope and defining the specific problem was the biggest challenge. The biggest obstacle while making the decision and finalising the recommendation was to pick the appropriate interpretation from the myriad of data points (or lack thereof)!
Hopefully, I have come out of this project as a better problem solver and a better decision maker. This wouldn’t have been possible without the brilliantly diverse team of Andrés Peña, Brandon Riggs, Maria Tampubolon and Zihan Liu. Thank you for helping me accomplish my goals and for being the MBA team colleagues that you were.

Also, the co-operation and collaboration of Sam Goodall and Camila Vila-Echague, from Cambridge Cleantech, were essential to the success of this project. We hope that the project helps in solving some of the problems that Cambridge Cleantech is currently facing.
As mentor on the project, Andrew Hatcher, your guidance was pivotal to the completion of this project. From the initial scoping to finalising the recommendations, you have guided us every step of the way. We really appreciate your support.
A merry end to this term’s project. Looking forward to the next one.
For more details about the CVP at Cambridge and MBA Projects more widely visit our web pages here >