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Global Consulting Projects 2015: Week two

CLIENT: AFRICA’S VOICES FOUNDATION (ALSO KNOWN AS SIMBA’S PRIDE) Members: Render Braswell, Sarah Burslem, David Pepper, and Vera Vasilyeva I write this from our apartment in central Nairobi, where we have had an extremely interesting week.  We were able to meet a consultant working on the Well Told Story project (funded by the Gates Foundation) and an […]

Global Consulting Projects 2015: Week one continued

During the Global Consulting Project, MBAs form teams to consult with blue-chip multinational corporations or international organisations on a particular aspect of their business. We asked a selection of the GCP teams to send us a snapshot of their week’s activities. Come back for next week’s installment. CLIENT: MERCK CONSUMER HEALTH Team members: Veena Adityan, Bhawna Arora, […]

A deep delve into Finance

From the very early stages, I was convinced the Cambridge programme aligned with what I was looking for in an MBA: from globally diverse classmates to brilliant lecturers, all integrated within one of the world’s best universities—the list goes on. Having previously worked for the finance industry in analytical roles based in Bangalore and Gurgaon, […]

Emerging from and reflecting on Michaelmas Term

  The first term of the Cambridge MBA has been highly demanding, to say the least. In the midst of completing seven core courses, a thorough Career Accelerator Programme, Leadership Seminar Series, Cambridge Venture Project (CVP), and countless extracurricular activities both within and outside of Cambridge Judge Business School (CJBS) there has been little time […]

Kick starting the MBA year with the EAP (English for Academic Purposes Programme)

“MBA”–though a seemingly short acronym holds a profound significance for students about to embark on the programme this autumn. For me, the Cambridge MBA programme will be another highly valuable chapter of my life, in helping me to transition from a local fund manager role to a management position in the banking industry. How to […]

My MBA year-in-review: part 2

The new academic year saw an increasing amount of global travel for Cambridge MBA, Jacqui Gilbert. It was the season for competitions: both business-centered challenges and sports tournaments. The term also saw Jacqui become a ‘googler’ for her Global Consulting Project, the flagship practical project undertaken during the Cambridge MBA year. Term 2: Lent Global […]

Biomedicine, Biobusiness and Biodollars

Learning more about the healthcare sector was the main reason I chose the Cambridge MBA and I have not been disappointed. Having worked with pharmaceutical companies, governments, health insurance firms (public and private), and multilateral aid agencies, I expected my learning to be only incremental–but I could not have been more wrong. The Pharmaceuticals and […]

Social Impact Exchange Day: Uniting the social impact minds of three leading business schools

  On Sunday 25th May 2014, students from Cambridge Judge Business School attended a Social Impact Exchange Day, alongside peers from Oxford Said Business School and London Business School. The day’s activities, organised by the co-chairs of the Social Impact Clubs at the three business schools respectively, offered students an insight into careers in the social impact […]